E-Learning Modules
All of our asynchronous e-learning modules are currently available on demand for anyone interested! Please use the links below to register.
Evidence-Based Practices in Action: Back to (Pre)School
This module was created to help teachers and administrators:
- Design early learning environments
- Set daily schedules and routines
- Make connections with young children, families, and colleagues
Click here to register for access to these modules
Evidence-Based Practices in Action: End of the Year Training
This module helps teachers, instructional assistants, and administrators reflect and reteach practices to:
- Support positive outcomes for children transitioning to kindergarten
- Help students practice and generalize skills to foster positive behavior
- Facilitate use of authentic play-based assessment in preschool programs
- Interpret assessment data to inform strategic instruction
- Explore the Child Outcomes Summary Process at exit from preschool services
Click here to register for access to these modules
Evidence-Based Practices in Action: A Mid-Year Review
This module is a mid-year review for early childhood teachers, instructional assistants, and administrators to reflect on and reteach current practices to ensure that preschool students acquire, practice, and maintain & generalize skills that reduce challenging behavior and increase young children's success in the classroom.
To register for this course, click here
Leadership and Teaming Modules
Learn more about effective teaming and leadership practices to improve services & outcomes for children, youth, and adults with disabilities by checking out the following asynchronous courses developed in collaboration with Dr. Jane Everson:
- Becoming an Exemplary Leader of an Effective and Collaborative Team
- Becoming a Member of an Effective and Collaborative Team
To access these modules, click here to fill out the interest form
Recorded Webinars
- Learn more about the Division for Early Childhood's Recommended Practices to meet Early Childhood Indicators
Click here to watch our "Connecting the Dots" webinar series
- The Building Blocks Framework is a method for supporting early childhood inclusion
Click here to watch our webinar series surrounding the Building Blocks Framework
- Interested in learning more about SCPI's TA Process?
Click here to watch our 2023 SCPI Overview Session
- Want to know what Program-Wide Pyramid Model District Implementation looks like?
Click here to watch our Pyramid PIECES Program-Wide Implementation Webinar